Technische Daten
Li-Ion-Laptop-Akkus mit 7,2 V und 7,4 V werden häufig verwendet.
Li-Ion-Laptop-Akkus mit 10,8 V und 11,1 V werden häufig verwendet.
Li-Ion-Laptop-Akkus mit 14,4 V und 14,8 V werden häufig verwendet.
7,2 V (= 7,4 V), 10,8 V (= 11,1 V), 14,4 V (= 14,8 V) Batterien haben unterschiedliche Spannungen und sind nicht kompatibel. Bitte wählen Sie die richtige Batterie (Spannung).
Mit diesem Akku erwerben Sie ein Qualitätsprodukt, welches ausschließlich mit hochwertigen Zellen namhafter Hersteller wie Samsung, Sanyo und Panasonic bestückt ist. Unsere Akkus werden nach den höchsten Qualitätsstandards hergestellt und zeichnen sich durch eine hohe Langlebigkeit aus. Des Weiteren besitzen unsere Akkus eine hohe Zyklenfestigkeit, welche eine hohe Anzahl an Lade- und Entladezyklen gewährleistet.
Merkmale unserer Akkus:
- problemloses Laden mit dem original oder baugleichen Ladegerät / Netzteil
- Überhitzungs-, Überlade- und Kurzschlussschutz wie im Originalakku
- kein Memoryeffekt durch Hochleistungszellen
- 100 % Passgenauigkeit zum Originalakku
- geringe Selbstentladung
Schauen Sie sich vor dem Kauf am besten unseren Akku aus den obigen Bildern an und prüfen Sie, ob er mit Ihrem Original übereinstimmt. Bitte stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie den richtigen Akku auswählen, um eine Fehlbestellung zu vermeiden.
Bitte bestätigen Sie, dass Ihr Maschinenmodell, die Spannung oder die Teilenummer in unserer Beschreibung kompatibel sind. Außerdem können Sie einen Vergleich zwischen Ihrer Originalbatterie und unserem Artikel anstellen. Bei gleichem Aussehen (insbesondere der Anschlussposition) und gleicher Batteriespannung ist dies kein Problem Zum Austausch mit Ihrer Maschine, solange Ihr Modell oder Ihre Teilenummer in unserer Beschreibung kompatibel ist.
Produkthandbuch - Bedienungsanleitung
Kompatible SONY Teilenummer
Bitte verwenden Sie die Tastenkombination [Strg + F], um unten Teilenummern / Modellnummern schnell zu finden.
Kompatible SONY Laptop Modelle
- svd-11215cvb
- SVD11213CNB
- SVD11213CX
- SVD11213CXB
- SVD11215CA
- SVD11215CAB
- SVD11215CG
- SVD11215CGB
- SVD11215CH
- SVD11215CHB
- SVD11215CKB
- SVD11215CLB
- SVD11215CN
- SVD11215CNB
- SVD11215CVB
- SVD11215CW/B
- SVD11215CXB
- SVD11215CYB
- SVD11216PA
- SVD11216PAB
- SVD11216PGB
- SVD11217CCB
- SVD11217SC
- SVD11218CCB
- SVD112190X
- SVD11219CCB
- SVD1121BPX
- SVD1121C5EB
- SVD1121P2E
- SVD1121P2EB
- SVD1121P2EB.G4
- SVD1121P2EB.GC2
- SVD1121P2R
- SVD1121Q2EB
- SVD1121Q2R
- SVD1121S0C
- SVD1121S2C
- SVD1121S3C
- SVD1121S4C
- SVD1121S5C
- SVD1121S6C
- SVD1121S7C
- SVD1121S8C
- SVD1121X9EB
- SVD1121X9EB.BE1
- SVD1121X9EB.G4
- SVD1121X9R
- SVD1121X9RB
- SVD1121Z9EB
- SVD1121Z9R
- SVD1121Z9RB
- SVD112200C
- SVD11223CXB
- SVD11223CXS
- SVD11225CBB
- SVD11225CLB
- SVD11225CXS
- SVD11225CYB
- SVD11225PDB
- SVD11225PXB
- SVD11228CCB
- SVD112290S
- SVD112290X
- SVD11229CCB
- SVD1122APX
- SVD1122C5E
- SVD1122S0C
- SVD1122S1C
- SVD1122S2C
- SVD1122S3C
- SVD1122S4C
- SVD1122S5C
- SVD1122S6C
- SVD1122S9C
- SVD112A1SM
- Vaio Duo 11
- Vaio DUO 11 SVD112
- Vaio Duo 11 SVD1121Q2EB
- Vaio Duo 11 SVD11223CXB
- Vaio SVD112100C
- Vaio SVD11213CN
- Vaio SVD11213CNB
- Vaio SVD11213CXB
- Vaio SVD11215CA
- Vaio SVD11215CAB
- Vaio SVD11215CBB
- Vaio SVD11215CDB
- Vaio SVD11215CG
- Vaio SVD11215CGB
- Vaio SVD11215CH
- Vaio SVD11215CHB
- Vaio SVD11215CKB
- Vaio SVD11215CLB
- Vaio SVD11215CN
- Vaio SVD11215CNB
- Vaio SVD11215CV
- Vaio SVD11215CVB
- Vaio SVD11215CW
- Vaio SVD11215CW/B
- Vaio SVD11215CXB
- Vaio SVD11215CYB
- Vaio SVD11216PA
- Vaio SVD11216PAB
- Vaio SVD11216PG
- Vaio SVD11216PGB
- Vaio SVD11217CCB
- Vaio SVD11218CCB
- Vaio SVD112190S
- Vaio SVD112190X
- Vaio SVD11219CCB
- Vaio SVD1121AJ
- Vaio SVD1121BPXB
- Vaio SVD1121C5EB
- Vaio SVD1121P2E
- Vaio SVD1121P2EB
- Vaio SVD1121P2EB.FR5
- Vaio SVD1121P2EB.G4
- Vaio SVD1121P2EB.G4S
- Vaio SVD1121P2EB.GC2
- Vaio SVD1121P2EB.IT1
- Vaio SVD1121P2RB
- Vaio SVD1121Q2E
- Vaio SVD1121Q2EB
- Vaio SVD1121Q2EB.ES2
- Vaio SVD1121Q2RB
- Vaio SVD1121S0C
- Vaio SVD1121S1C
- Vaio SVD1121S2C
- Vaio SVD1121S3C
- Vaio SVD1121S4C
- Vaio SVD1121S5C
- Vaio SVD1121S6C
- Vaio SVD1121S7C
- Vaio SVD1121S8C
- Vaio SVD1121S9C
- Vaio SVD1121X9E
- Vaio SVD1121X9EB
- Vaio SVD1121X9EB.BE1
- Vaio SVD1121X9EB.FR5
- Vaio SVD1121X9EB.G4
- Vaio SVD1121X9EB.NL3
- Vaio SVD1121X9RB
- Vaio SVD1121XBATT
- Vaio SVD1121XBATT.FR5
- Vaio SVD1121Z9E
- Vaio SVD1121Z9EB
- Vaio SVD1121Z9EB.CEK
- Vaio SVD1121Z9EB.FR5
- Vaio SVD1121Z9EB.IT1
- Vaio SVD1121Z9RB
- Vaio SVD1121ZBATT
- Vaio SVD1121ZBATT.FR5
- Vaio SVD112200C
- Vaio SVD11223CXB
- Vaio SVD11223CXS
- Vaio SVD11225CBB
- Vaio SVD11225CLB
- Vaio SVD11225CXB
- Vaio SVD11225CXS
- Vaio SVD11225CYB
- Vaio SVD11225PDB
- Vaio SVD11225PXB
- Vaio SVD11227CCB
- Vaio SVD11228CCB
- Vaio SVD112290S
- Vaio SVD112290X
- Vaio SVD11229CCB
- Vaio SVD11229CJB
- Vaio SVD1122APXB
- Vaio SVD1122C5E
- Vaio SVD1122S0C
- Vaio SVD1122S1C
- Vaio SVD1122S2C
- Vaio SVD1122S3C
- Vaio SVD1122S4C
- Vaio SVD1122S5C
- Vaio SVD1122S6C
- Vaio SVD1122S7C
- Vaio SVD1122S8C
- Vaio SVD1122S9C
- Vaio SVD112A1
- Vaio SVD112A1SM
- Vaio SVD112A1WL
- Vaio SVD112P2EB
- Vaio SVD132
- Vaio SVD132100C
- Vaio SVD13211CG
- Vaio SVD13211CGB
- Vaio SVD13211CGW
- Vaio SVD13211CKW
- Vaio SVD13211CW
- Vaio SVD13211SA
- Vaio SVD13211SF
- Vaio SVD13211SG
- Vaio SVD13211SGB
- Vaio SVD13211SH
- Vaio SVD13211SN
- Vaio SVD13212SH
- Vaio SVD13212SHB
- Vaio SVD13213CXB
- Vaio SVD13213CXW
- Vaio SVD13213CYB
- Vaio SVD13213SG
- Vaio SVD13213SGW
- Vaio SVD13213ST
- Vaio SVD13213STW
- Vaio SVD13213STW.CEU
- Vaio SVD13215CDB
- Vaio SVD13215CDW
- Vaio SVD13215CG
- Vaio SVD13215CGB
- Vaio SVD13215CLB
- Vaio SVD13215CLW
- Vaio SVD13215PKW
- Vaio SVD13215PLB
- Vaio SVD13215PXB
- Vaio SVD13215PXW
- Vaio SVD13216PKB
- Vaio SVD13216PW
- Vaio SVD13217CBW
- Vaio SVD13217CCB
- Vaio SVD13217PA
- Vaio SVD13217PG
- Vaio SVD13217PGB
- Vaio SVD13217PSB
- Vaio SVD13217PT
- Vaio SVD13217PTB
- Vaio SVD13218PG
- Vaio SVD13218PGB
- Vaio SVD13218SCB
- Vaio SVD13218SCW
- Vaio SVD132190S
- Vaio SVD132190X
- Vaio SVD13219CJB
- Vaio SVD13219SCB
- Vaio SVD1321A1J
- Vaio SVD1321APXB
- Vaio SVD1321APXR
- Vaio SVD1321APXW
- Vaio SVD1321BPXB
- Vaio SVD1321C5E
- Vaio SVD1321C5ER
- Vaio SVD1321DCXW
- Vaio SVD1321E4R
- Vaio SVD1321E4RB
- Vaio SVD1321F4RW
- Vaio SVD1321G4RB
- Vaio SVD1321H4RW
- Vaio SVD1321J4RB
- Vaio SVD1321K4RW
- Vaio SVD1321L2EB
- Vaio SVD1321L2EB.IT1
- Vaio SVD1321L2EB.NL3
- Vaio SVD1321L2EW
- Vaio SVD1321L2EW.BE1
- Vaio SVD1321L2EW.EC1
- Vaio SVD1321L2EW.ES2
- Vaio SVD1321L2EW.IT1
- Vaio SVD1321L2EW.NL3
- Vaio SVD1321L2EW.SW1
- Vaio SVD1321L9EB
- Vaio SVD1321L9EB.ES2
- Vaio SVD1321M2EB
- Vaio SVD1321M2EB.CEK
- Vaio SVD1321M2EW
- Vaio SVD1321M2EW.CEK
- Vaio SVD1321M2EW.FR5
- Vaio SVD1321M2EW.G4
- Vaio SVD1321M2RW
- Vaio SVD1321M9E
- Vaio SVD1321M9EB
- Vaio SVD1321M9EB.FR5
- Vaio SVD1321M9EB.G4
- Vaio SVD1321M9RB
- Vaio SVD1321S0C
- Vaio SVD1321S1C
- Vaio SVD1321S2C
- Vaio SVD1321S3C
- Vaio SVD1321S4C
- Vaio SVD1321S5C
- Vaio SVD1321S6C
- Vaio SVD1321S7C
- Vaio SVD1321S8C
- Vaio SVD1321S9C
- Vaio SVD1321X9EB
- Vaio SVD1321X9EW
- Vaio SVD1321Z9EB
- Vaio SVD1321Z9EB.CEK
- Vaio SVD1321Z9EB.EC1
- Vaio SVD1321Z9EB.FR5
- Vaio SVD1321Z9EB.G4
- Vaio SVD1321Z9EB.IT1
- Vaio SVD1321Z9EB.SW1
- Vaio SVD1321Z9RB
- Vaio SVD1321Z9RW
- Vaio SVD132200C
- Vaio SVD132200CR
- Vaio SVD13222PG
- Vaio SVD13223CXB
- Vaio SVD13223CXW
- Vaio SVD13223CYB
- Vaio SVD13225CLB
- Vaio SVD13225CLW
- Vaio SVD13225PXB
- Vaio SVD13225PXW
- Vaio SVD13227SCB
- Vaio SVD13227SCW
- Vaio SVD13228DJB
- Vaio SVD13228DJW
- Vaio SVD13228PA
- Vaio SVD13228PG
- Vaio SVD13228SCB
- Vaio SVD13228SCW
- Vaio SVD132290S
- Vaio SVD132290X
- Vaio SVD13229DJB
- Vaio SVD13229SH
- Vaio SVD1322A4E
- Vaio SVD1322A4EW.FR5
- Vaio SVD1322BPXB
- Vaio SVD1322BPXR
- Vaio SVD1322C5E
- Vaio SVD1322DCXW
- Vaio SVD1322S0C
- Vaio SVD1322S1C
- Vaio SVD1322S2C
- Vaio SVD1322S3C
- Vaio SVD1322S4C
- Vaio SVD1322S5C
- Vaio SVD1322S6C
- Vaio SVD1322S7C
- Vaio SVD1322S8C
- Vaio SVD1322S9C
- Vaio SVD1322U2E
- Vaio SVD1322U2EW
- Vaio SVD1322U9EB
- Vaio SVD1322V9CB
- Vaio SVD1322X2E
- Vaio SVD1322X2EB
- Vaio SVD1322Y9EB
- Vaio SVD1322Z9E
- Vaio SVD1322Z9EB
- Vaio SVD1322ZPA
- Vaio SVD1322ZPG
- Vaio SVD1322ZPW
- Vaio SVD13231SG
- Vaio SVD13233CXB
- Vaio SVD13236PG
Wenn Ihr Maschinenmodell hier nicht aufgeführt ist, kontaktieren Sie uns bitte vor dem Kauf!
Haftungsausschluss: mit keinem der aufgeführten Originalhersteller verbunden. Alle eingetragenen Marken oder Modellnamen oben aufgeführt sind, als Identifikationsnummer nur zeigen Kompatibilität.
- Wir versenden Produkte nur nach Deutschland.
- Wir versenden das Paket innerhalb von 24 Stunden nach Zahlungseingang.
- Wir werden Ihnen die Tracking-Nummer und den Tracking-Link innerhalb von 2-3 Werktagen anbieten.
- Trackinformationen werden aktualisiert, wenn der Artikel in Deutschland ankommt. Es dauert normalerweise etwa 10-12 Tage, nachdem das Produkt versendet wurde. Bitte haben Sie etwas Geduld.
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China | €0 | 18 - 20 Werktage |
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Wir senden Bestellinformationen an Ihre E-Mail-Adresse, wenn Sie die Bestellung abschließen. Wenn Sie keine E-Mail erhalten, überprüfen Sie bitte Ihren E-Mail-SPAM-Ordner, oder Sie können Ihre Bestellinformationen mit Ihrer E-Mail-Adresse und Ihrem vollständigen Namen über den Link zur Auftragsverfolgung verfolgen.
Wenn Sie irgendeine Frage haben, kontaktieren Sie bitte zuerst unseren Kundendienst, wir werden unser Bestes tun, um es für Sie zu lösen, bitte öffnen Sie keinen Streit oder Anspruch auf PayPal ohne uns zu kontaktieren.
Garantie & Rücksendungen
- Unsere Produkte haben 12 Monate Garantie. Eine vollständige Rückerstattung kann nur innerhalb von 30 Tagen erfolgen.
- Wenn die Rücksendung auf Fehler des Käufers zurückzuführen ist, z. B. falscher Kauf, keine Notwendigkeit der Batterien nach der Transaktion oder andere künstliche Schäden, sollte die Rücksendegebühr vom Käufer bezahlt werden.
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More return & warranty information, please click here [mehr...]
Unser Speicher
Tip 1: You have to find your specific laptop model before ordering a correct battery. How to check your laptop model?
Step 1: Press Windows + R to open Run window.
Step 2: Input "msinfo32" in the empty box and
click OK to open System Information.
Step 3: Keep in the System Summary section, and you will
find the System Name item in the right pane.
Tip 2: Remove Battery from Laptop to find your laptop battery part number
Step 1: Switch off the laptop and unplug the power cable in case of electric shock
Step 2:
Remove the back panel with the screwdriver. You should to this with care avoiding any harm to the
laptop components.
Step 3: Disconnect the cable connected to the battery and then take out the
battery. After that, you can check the specifications of your battery
Tip3: How to check battery part number when I can not remove battery?
If your laptop has a built-in, non-removable battery or you don't have tools to remove battery, use one of the other methods explained on this page to find information about your battery. How to find the laptop battery specifications?
First of all, you need to assure the model of your laptop or the part number of your laptop battery. Then look for the battery you need at Laptop-Battery. Finally, you can check whether the battery you find is compatible with your laptop or not on the "Compatibility" table (for example, Lenovo ThinkPad P72). If you don't know how to find the right battery for your laptop, you can click "How to find one correct battery for my laptop?" for more details. Moreover, you can click the link "Contact Us" on the bottom of this page to ask us.
Normally we will send you the tracking number within 1-2 business days, you can track order through "Order Tracking" link from bottom of website page. If you have any questions please click here to contact us, our customer service center will respond within 24 hours.
Battery Do's:
- Fully charge/discharge battery up to 3 cycles before achieving full capacity of a new battery
- Fully discharge and then fully charge the battery every two to three weeks for battery conditions.
- Run the device under the battery's power until it shuts down or until you get a low battery warning. Then recharge the battery as instructed in the user's manual.
- Remove from the device and stored in a cool, dry, clean place if the battery will not be in use for a month or longer,Recharge the battery after a storage period
- Ensure maximum performance of the battery by optimizing the device's power management features. Refer to the manual for further instructions.
Battery Don'ts:
- Do not short-circuit. A short-circuit may cause severe damage to the battery.
- Do not drop, hit or otherwise abuse the battery as this may result in the exposure of the cell contents, which are corrosive.
- Do not expose the battery to moisture or rain.
- Keep battery away from fire or other sources of extreme heat. Do not incinerate. Exposure of battery to extreme heat may result in an explosion.
When you get a new laptop or new laptop battery, proper charging, discharging, usage and storage will allow you to maximize your battery's life and capabilities. Before even powering up your laptop for the first time, it is important to know just how to charge and care for your battery in order to get the most out it for as long as you can.
- Charge & Discharge
According to CNET authors Asher Moses and Brian Nadel, the first thing you should do with your new laptop is ''let the battery completely drain(5%) before you recharge it''. Letting the battery completely drain(5%) by using it without AC power, and then recharging it to 100 percent before using it again, helps to establish memory within the battery regarding how much of a charge can be held. Do this for at least the first two times when using your laptop on battery power, and repeat as often as you can to get the most out of your battery. - Storage
If you plan to use your laptop as a desktop most of the time, Rick Broida of "PC World" suggests you take the battery out of your laptop and use only AC power. Only put the battery in and charge it whenever you plan on moving the laptop and using it without AC power, because ''if you leave your laptop plugged in 24/7... the battery rarely (if ever) gets a chance to discharge, [so] it loses its capacity to hold a charge''. Charge the battery before moving your laptop, and discharge it completely before recharging again, if you can. - Temperature & Climate
One of the main causes of battery failure is overheating. "PC Magazine's" Erik Rhey suggests that you can avoid overheating by using cooling pads and not placing your laptop on soft surfaces like pillows and blankets. Some batteries are actually designed to sense if they are getting too warm and simply will not charge if they are, so it is in your interest to keep your battery cool. Dust getting into the laptop and clogging the cooling fan can also cause overheating problems, so try to keep the area around your laptop clean. Of course, leaving your laptop in your car where it can become excessively hot can also cause problems, so avoid that as well. - Power Settings
Once you have gotten the hang of charging your batteries, visit your computer's Power Settings in the Control Panel and dim your computer's display, adjust the timeout settings for your display to turn off and for your laptop to sleep, and see if any advanced settings can be changed to really extend your battery life as far as you can.
When purchasing a battery or adapter for your device, compatibility is the most important factor. In order for our products to work on your device, it must be compatible. We offers more than 120,000 compatible models and part numbers for your devices. Before purchasing our products, please follow our tips below to find the right product for your device.
Your device owner's manual should have the brand and model number on the front cover. In addition, most devices have a manufacturering label on the bottom of your device. This label should have the brand and model number on it.
If your are purchasing a battery, you should shut down your device first, and then remove the battery and look at the original battery part number label of the battery.
Batteries from major manufacturers use standardized part numbers. The following are the sample part numbers from the major brands:
HP, Compaq 123456-001 Sony PCGA-BP12, VGP-BP1 Dell 312-1234, 1234P IBM, Lenovo 02K1234, 08K1234 Toshiba PA1234U-1BRSTo confirm compatibility, customer should verify the physical appearance, part number, position and orientation of the connector and the latch position of your original battery with the product information shown on our website.
Please kindly note that there may be three different voltages (7.2V, 11.1V and 14.8V) associated with the same model or part number. They are totally NOT compatible. Please check your original battery voltage before placing an order.
A Li-Ion battery labeled 7.2V is the same as a Li-Ion battery labeled 7.4V.
A Li-Ion battery labeled 10.8V is the same as a Li-Ion battery labeled 11.1V.
A Li-Ion battery labeled 14.4V is the same as a Li-Ion battery labeled 14.8V.
Kompatible SONY Teilenummer
Bitte verwenden Sie die Tastenkombination [Strg + F], um unten Teilenummern / Modellnummern schnell zu finden.
Kompatible SONY Laptop Modelle
- svd-11215cvb
- SVD11213CNB
- SVD11213CX
- SVD11213CXB
- SVD11215CA
- SVD11215CAB
- SVD11215CG
- SVD11215CGB
- SVD11215CH
- SVD11215CHB
- SVD11215CKB
- SVD11215CLB
- SVD11215CN
- SVD11215CNB
- SVD11215CVB
- SVD11215CW/B
- SVD11215CXB
- SVD11215CYB
- SVD11216PA
- SVD11216PAB
- SVD11216PGB
- SVD11217CCB
- SVD11217SC
- SVD11218CCB
- SVD112190X
- SVD11219CCB
- SVD1121BPX
- SVD1121C5EB
- SVD1121P2E
- SVD1121P2EB
- SVD1121P2EB.G4
- SVD1121P2EB.GC2
- SVD1121P2R
- SVD1121Q2EB
- SVD1121Q2R
- SVD1121S0C
- SVD1121S2C
- SVD1121S3C
- SVD1121S4C
- SVD1121S5C
- SVD1121S6C
- SVD1121S7C
- SVD1121S8C
- SVD1121X9EB
- SVD1121X9EB.BE1
- SVD1121X9EB.G4
- SVD1121X9R
- SVD1121X9RB
- SVD1121Z9EB
- SVD1121Z9R
- SVD1121Z9RB
- SVD112200C
- SVD11223CXB
- SVD11223CXS
- SVD11225CBB
- SVD11225CLB
- SVD11225CXS
- SVD11225CYB
- SVD11225PDB
- SVD11225PXB
- SVD11228CCB
- SVD112290S
- SVD112290X
- SVD11229CCB
- SVD1122APX
- SVD1122C5E
- SVD1122S0C
- SVD1122S1C
- SVD1122S2C
- SVD1122S3C
- SVD1122S4C
- SVD1122S5C
- SVD1122S6C
- SVD1122S9C
- SVD112A1SM
- Vaio Duo 11
- Vaio DUO 11 SVD112
- Vaio Duo 11 SVD1121Q2EB
- Vaio Duo 11 SVD11223CXB
- Vaio SVD112100C
- Vaio SVD11213CN
- Vaio SVD11213CNB
- Vaio SVD11213CXB
- Vaio SVD11215CA
- Vaio SVD11215CAB
- Vaio SVD11215CBB
- Vaio SVD11215CDB
- Vaio SVD11215CG
- Vaio SVD11215CGB
- Vaio SVD11215CH
- Vaio SVD11215CHB
- Vaio SVD11215CKB
- Vaio SVD11215CLB
- Vaio SVD11215CN
- Vaio SVD11215CNB
- Vaio SVD11215CV
- Vaio SVD11215CVB
- Vaio SVD11215CW
- Vaio SVD11215CW/B
- Vaio SVD11215CXB
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Tip 1: You have to find your specific laptop model before ordering a correct battery. How to check your laptop model?
Step 1: Press Windows + R to open Run window.
Step 2: Input "msinfo32" in the empty box and
click OK to open System Information.
Step 3: Keep in the System Summary section, and you will
find the System Name item in the right pane.
Tip 2: Remove Battery from Laptop to find your laptop battery part number
Step 1: Switch off the laptop and unplug the power cable in case of electric shock
Step 2:
Remove the back panel with the screwdriver. You should to this with care avoiding any harm to the
laptop components.
Step 3: Disconnect the cable connected to the battery and then take out the
battery. After that, you can check the specifications of your battery
Tip3: How to check battery part number when I can not remove battery?
If your laptop has a built-in, non-removable battery or you don't have tools to remove battery, use one of the other methods explained on this page to find information about your battery. How to find the laptop battery specifications?
First of all, you need to assure the model of your laptop or the part number of your laptop battery. Then look for the battery you need at Laptop-Battery. Finally, you can check whether the battery you find is compatible with your laptop or not on the "Compatibility" table (for example, Lenovo ThinkPad P72). If you don't know how to find the right battery for your laptop, you can click "How to find one correct battery for my laptop?" for more details. Moreover, you can click the link "Contact Us" on the bottom of this page to ask us.
Normally we will send you the tracking number within 1-2 business days, you can track order through "Order Tracking" link from bottom of website page. If you have any questions please click here to contact us, our customer service center will respond within 24 hours.
Battery Do's:
- Fully charge/discharge battery up to 3 cycles before achieving full capacity of a new battery
- Fully discharge and then fully charge the battery every two to three weeks for battery conditions.
- Run the device under the battery's power until it shuts down or until you get a low battery warning. Then recharge the battery as instructed in the user's manual.
- Remove from the device and stored in a cool, dry, clean place if the battery will not be in use for a month or longer,Recharge the battery after a storage period
- Ensure maximum performance of the battery by optimizing the device's power management features. Refer to the manual for further instructions.
Battery Don'ts:
- Do not short-circuit. A short-circuit may cause severe damage to the battery.
- Do not drop, hit or otherwise abuse the battery as this may result in the exposure of the cell contents, which are corrosive.
- Do not expose the battery to moisture or rain.
- Keep battery away from fire or other sources of extreme heat. Do not incinerate. Exposure of battery to extreme heat may result in an explosion.
When you get a new laptop or new laptop battery, proper charging, discharging, usage and storage will allow you to maximize your battery's life and capabilities. Before even powering up your laptop for the first time, it is important to know just how to charge and care for your battery in order to get the most out it for as long as you can.
- Charge & Discharge
According to CNET authors Asher Moses and Brian Nadel, the first thing you should do with your new laptop is ''let the battery completely drain(5%) before you recharge it''. Letting the battery completely drain(5%) by using it without AC power, and then recharging it to 100 percent before using it again, helps to establish memory within the battery regarding how much of a charge can be held. Do this for at least the first two times when using your laptop on battery power, and repeat as often as you can to get the most out of your battery. - Storage
If you plan to use your laptop as a desktop most of the time, Rick Broida of "PC World" suggests you take the battery out of your laptop and use only AC power. Only put the battery in and charge it whenever you plan on moving the laptop and using it without AC power, because ''if you leave your laptop plugged in 24/7... the battery rarely (if ever) gets a chance to discharge, [so] it loses its capacity to hold a charge''. Charge the battery before moving your laptop, and discharge it completely before recharging again, if you can. - Temperature & Climate
One of the main causes of battery failure is overheating. "PC Magazine's" Erik Rhey suggests that you can avoid overheating by using cooling pads and not placing your laptop on soft surfaces like pillows and blankets. Some batteries are actually designed to sense if they are getting too warm and simply will not charge if they are, so it is in your interest to keep your battery cool. Dust getting into the laptop and clogging the cooling fan can also cause overheating problems, so try to keep the area around your laptop clean. Of course, leaving your laptop in your car where it can become excessively hot can also cause problems, so avoid that as well. - Power Settings
Once you have gotten the hang of charging your batteries, visit your computer's Power Settings in the Control Panel and dim your computer's display, adjust the timeout settings for your display to turn off and for your laptop to sleep, and see if any advanced settings can be changed to really extend your battery life as far as you can.
When purchasing a battery or adapter for your device, compatibility is the most important factor. In order for our products to work on your device, it must be compatible. We offers more than 120,000 compatible models and part numbers for your devices. Before purchasing our products, please follow our tips below to find the right product for your device.
Your device owner's manual should have the brand and model number on the front cover. In addition, most devices have a manufacturering label on the bottom of your device. This label should have the brand and model number on it.
If your are purchasing a battery, you should shut down your device first, and then remove the battery and look at the original battery part number label of the battery.
Batteries from major manufacturers use standardized part numbers. The following are the sample part numbers from the major brands:
HP, Compaq 123456-001 Sony PCGA-BP12, VGP-BP1 Dell 312-1234, 1234P IBM, Lenovo 02K1234, 08K1234 Toshiba PA1234U-1BRSTo confirm compatibility, customer should verify the physical appearance, part number, position and orientation of the connector and the latch position of your original battery with the product information shown on our website.
Please kindly note that there may be three different voltages (7.2V, 11.1V and 14.8V) associated with the same model or part number. They are totally NOT compatible. Please check your original battery voltage before placing an order.
A Li-Ion battery labeled 7.2V is the same as a Li-Ion battery labeled 7.4V.
A Li-Ion battery labeled 10.8V is the same as a Li-Ion battery labeled 11.1V.
A Li-Ion battery labeled 14.4V is the same as a Li-Ion battery labeled 14.8V.
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